Mission Samarpan – Save Blood Save Life

“Tears of a mother cannot save her child, But Your Blood Can”

The majority of the people who die during accidents are only due to a lack of availability of blood at the moment. We at Vidya, maintain a database of blood donors along with their city of residence.

Irrespective of the date and time, no matter where, and who wanted the blood just drop your details to us, in the provided “Need Any Help” footer on the website we will send our volunteer to donate blood as per the region of requirement. We will also spread the word across for you in case the donor is not arranged from our end.

Mission Samarpan – Save Blood Save Life

As we see the news every single day, majority of deaths are caused to accidents and most of them due to lack of supply/availability of blood for the patients. Vidya-An Initiation decided to contribute for this social cause too. Blood Donation Camp has been organized in 3 different parts of the country. Both volunteers and outsiders attended the camp and donated blood. All the donors were awarded certificates of appreciation as well. Vidya-An Initiation, soon going to come up with a new software that could provide blood wherever required across the country.

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